Restored bikes

Peugeot type 135   culbutée 350 cm3 

Peugeot 350 type 135 luxury, sport version high exhaust, probable year 1936/37 (there are a lot of versions with different configurations and over the years of the motorcycles built by their successive owner), 3 speed, apparent rockers recalled by hairpin springs.

Ignition magneto Morel, lighting by battery and dynamo 6v

Given by the pub of the day for 120 km/h, I think for my part it's more wise than a real Sport touring bike

Not unpleasant to ride, it is quite flexible and has a big lightning reach without acceleration and decent braking for the age.

Bought fairly complete to Daniel via our mutual friend Guy she to is subject to a full restore

the 135 at time of purchase

Upon arrival she is almost complete, bit rusty still rotating but very tired. a pretty green paint (color mode of the after war and brush to it you please!) the protected from the horrors of the time.

la 135 pub d'époque

un prospectus de la marque avec la gamme de l'époque                                                

the 135 during reassembly

undergoing restoration, during reassembly

to avoid damaging the paint I was incomplete in the framework engine to make it more manageable.

135 cockpit view

here a view of the dashboard, it also there are several versions that sometimes contradict each other on times.

the 135; view of the engine

lack of develop a lot of horses the engine is quite valiant and has a nice architecture. The carters are well crafted and lend this luxurious look to the bike.

la 135 vue 3/4 arrière

Et voilà prête à partir , toute la restauration à été intégralement faite ici , à l'époque pas de cabine de peinture je peignais encore dehors .Les filets et déco ont étés tracés par mon fils . Seuls les chromes ont été réalisés par une entreprise (Sneec à Vaux le Pénil ) Cartouches de silencieux inox soudée par l'ami Toto ( Christophe ) et poliesà la Sté Sneec ensuite.

Zundapp type K 500 civile 1937

I exchanged sheet motorcycle for my beautiful 350 Motobécane L4c restored a little to regret even when.

It must be said that she was fully in parts including the engine which the connecting rods were cast, where many pieces of sheet metal are absent too damaged to be re-employed.

4 successive owners themselves were sold it after that the second I put it completely apart, but after having all disassembled and found that the costs would be very high it then carefully packed oiled pieces in newspaper

So a purchase ghost because impossible to have an overview of the machine, more during the change of propetaires a prefecture in fact disappear the mention solo side and it will be impossible to re-obtain it Agency will be concerned and very remote from me unfortunately

in its own juice before dismantling

the previous owner could encounter by chance on the net while he was selling the cover of joints made me one day past the photo of the day or he brought her home until it doesn't fully disassemble

dans son jus après démontage

It was tips, small boxes cardboard and newspapers rolled sealed papers, scrap a sort of gigantic cover surptise, it's maybe that seduced me into...

500 restored K

une vue 3/4 avant de la partie supérieure qui offre un originale fourche // avec amortisseur à huile intégré.

Allumage batterie bobine 6v avec dynamo je l'ai déposée ensuite et remplacé par un allumage intégral Kennedy , bien plus fiable qui fournit 80 w sous 12v et qui n'oblige  pas à utiliser une batterie 

the engine of the K500

Flat twin competitor of Bmw in the market of tender of the German army a few years later, she offers a very original box 4 speed channels deemed indestructible, an asset to the side .

Monet Goyon 250 R4 1946 juice

Found in Alsace in its juice but out of magneto, this pretty little bike is typical of the industry after the war

Ruined by the war makers stand out models of before war with stock parts their remaining and very few variations, on some brands the rubber feet holds are replaced by a metal because there are still shortages of materials and ration stamps

Monet Goyon 250 R4 1946 juice

C'est une trés sympathique petite moto, trés vive , boite 4 vitesses sur cette après guerre , elle pousse à plus de 100 km/h

Son principal défaut elle quelle s'adresse à un pilote de petite taille , les commandes sont liliputienes , et le graissage séparé à huile perdue apprendra à vos bas de pantalons que l'huile n'est pas perdue pour tout le monde.

Nous avons fait de trés belles randonnées notamment en Auvergne et au 1000 vaches ou elle s'est montrée trés à l'aise.

515 replica world record

Peugeot in the years before the war, to beat all a battery of records to disassemble the power and endurance of its machines to the public. Many brands thus went into challenges on track, raids around the world ect..

This is how the 5 oct 34 pilots Marcel Pahin, Robert Pahin, Camille Narcy, and Pedro entering the Peradventure

They beat then world 3 records
-2000km 120.308 km/h
-24 hours 118,747 mph 2849,230 km
-3000km 118.162 km/h 25 hours 23 minutes

The machine is close to the series, engine mono 500cc lightened by the removal of the Gables of first and third, and mud guards, mufflers, brake BC. The fork in jail just a P 108, smaller and 21 tires on the front. Replaces a hand lever is selector, the remote foot, the rear brake pedal directly on the drum, a tank double with cushion complete preparation.

a seized engine

Do not destroy a bike, Stef, is based on a wreck, frame rust and twisted on one arm, fork bent, engine oxidized and flu

Hard to find worse... it's like the bike to sleep inside ' a pond. There we Portugal nearly 40 hours of struggle to open the engine, because all the bolts without exception will break. The oil in zamak pump falling ash. It will create a press tool / push piston and heat out of the shirt ect ect... I thought a while ever this engine won't do anything more than a decoration. Today he runs like a clock and pushes tees hard!

double tank

Here again 40 h of work for its realization. The weld alone almost a day!

We did like them, 2 tanks, cut and welded head spade. (and that's easier said than done!)

During the record in 1934, tank to let go and they took the tank of the 515 with which a drivers rolled daily = they were drowning in a glass of water guys!

Why build a replica?

The original bike was not retained by Peugeot, the few exposed are replicas, just like this one.

He must hear the heavy sound of the 500 in open exhaust, see the impressive extension (Montlhéry is a ring of speed) that propels the car, no front brake, with a forklift boiled cardboard with a large thin wheel, an uncomfortable driving position, braking back little usable; the pedal is directly on the brake cam.

Without an aerodrome or a ring of speed at disposal, we never measured the final speed of the beast; When you open and as a turn approaches make the hand, it's really impressive that feeling of Cannonball!

Styl' sound / Styl'ett 1930

Styl' sound as its name does not indicate is a French Stéphanoise brand, known as bright as ephemeral, existence told and explained perfectly on the excellent site dedicated to the brand of our friend Francis;  http://www.stylson.NET/

Mine is a first hand, bought to an intermediary who will never return to the original cg at the former owner deceased (craftsman electrician).

She to served as a working tool in the laborious France and pulled a trailer that will have consequences on the State of the gearbox.

When buying

When selling the bike is sold as sue Styl' his 350 when I start restoring the engine is actually a 250 and the tank stripping leaves appear the Stylett brand.

There were very very few of these bikes block box (Chair), the setting is beautiful and well planned for this mechanism, no plate, a vague number of Foundry will make the complicated research.

Apart from cel it is complete, the engine very tired, the 2nd gear and the Walkman used rope

motor Chair

I pay tribute here to the kindness of Francis Président club Styl' sound that to patiently sought to learn more about his side. The tank was it replaced by sister during his long life brand? why if little info almost as if there is a pre series? bankruptcy having shot Styl' sound quickly it is possible that different engine providers are reluctant to commit more.

The bike is friendly, a nice a bit steep petochon in comfort, the Chair easy and reliable engine. Weak but sufficient for the Sunday ride.

500 gillet Herstal 1928 super sports

Here exposed end of restoration, (the theme of the expo it was restoring)

The beautiful and good bike.

Sarolea, Fn, Gillet Herstal Belgium to product of the good stuff in those years, are a perfect illustration and their reputation is not misused, problem it feels to purchase.

Thank you to Yves, great guru of the brand that has all the records and history, and who will confirm me the Act of birth at Gerkinet in France or they were assembled to evade import taxes (Hey Yes already)

After verification, the sport model-specific parts are well in the engine; Camshaft, piston, report of box different.

500 gillet Herstal 1928 super sports

Là c'est la photo de l'annonce intiale sur le net, y'a des fois je me demande si c'est pas de voir ces pauvres bécanes toujours démontées ,  aux restaurations à peine commencées (voir pas du tout ) et jamais remontées qui me motive , craignant qu' une machine  ne disparaisse du patrimoine.

500 Gillet Herstal 1928 super sport

achetée en France à la frontière Belge , elle  est en morceaux depuis 30 ans suite à une restauration jamais commencée .

J'ai fait le choix de ne pas conserver le side qui abimait trop le cadre et ne convenait pas à cette sportive ! 

Je vous invite à vous procurer le livre de la marque écrit et documenté par l'auteur

Yves Campion     Rue du docteur Elie Lambotte 243
 1030- BRUXELLES -BELGIQUE                                          

500 Gillet Herstal 1928 super sport

vue du superbe moteur de la 500 
un vrai moteur sain et robuste aux pièces lergement dimensionnées et trés agréable à mécaniquer . Ici c'est bien fait et bien pensé , peut être le kick un peu court pour lancer le fantastique gromono !

Ducati 350 mark III

une classique des petites Italiennes sportives cette 350 Monza 

les soupapes sont rappelées par des ressort en épingles ( non desmo )

le petit mono est vif et trés joueur et l 'on se prend vite au jeu .

La tenue de route est saine , mais le freinage insuffisant malgré un double frein double came à l'avant.

L'éclairage 6 volts inexistant la nuit et l'instrumentation qualité Italienne d'époque  survit mal aux vibrations du mono rageur.

Mais l'essentiel n'est pas là , mettez lui de la piste sous les roues et là elle se sentira chez elle !  Mes garçons l'adorent pour ça !

lors de son arrivée...

Motorcycle stored for 30 years at least under a lean-to metal, but the guy the kick from time to time told me he at the time of sale. It was rugged and locked such as; no longer has its tank and other sheet metal accessories.

Disassembly will reveal a bent fork, false te, a twisted framework under the tank, more beam electric etc etc... Incredibly, on the way back I cleaned the carb, put some gasoline, I kick and mono snorts without problem; it shows only 7000 kms and mechanics has never been tinkered! what good news.

500 four K3 1975

Nothing predestined my encounter with this 500 oven.

Having passed the permit in 1973 on his little sister 350 all fresh out of the factory, I went on this idea. but the 400 more efficient oven tempted me (I've always loved the 4 in 1 with its wavy tubes very successful)

And then on the net an advertisement, not too expensive, not too far (for once!) and an interesting story told by its owner, the same for more than a decade.

A complete restoration of the engine had been carried out, a painting not in line certainly but which had protected the beautiful

Then, after a few thousand kilometers the fallout in oblivion, the wounds of life and the obligation to separate its motorcycles

le jour de l'achat

Lors de son achat ,la moto ne démarre plus, les carbus se sont salis , la batterrie à rendu l'âme depuis longtemps. reste qu'elle n'a fait que quelques milliers de km depuis que sa mécanique à été refaite avec de la vraie pièce Honda d'origine.

On va donc tout démonter et repeindre , remplacer les chromes piqués , remettre tous les consomables  à neuf et remonter .

une four sinon rien !

She was more his 4 pots, but a devil of time, in these years of the mid-seventies, it was rare that a motorcycle is long of origin; Accessories, door packages, protégé sumps, handlebar multi positions or bracelets kind Bottelin Dumoulin, saddle Speed and 4 in nothing Devil, Marvin were the norm to have a motorcycle in the shot!

The more fortunate rode polyester sets, see fairings and remote commands (very rare)

Motobécane 125 Z

une classique populaire des années baby boum , elle devrait être mise en vente pour  laisser place à un projet plus original à moteur kité 200 , fourche hydraulique ,gros freins , parce que des Z de série j'en ai déjà eu pas mal depuis 45 ans ... et que malgré tout c'est attachant et sympa à faire rouler.

Honda NS 125 R 1990

elle appartenait à mon neveu Sylvain qui est parti accidentellement .

 je la garde en état j'ai trouvé cette photo du net dans la même robe